My revu of the new Guarding tha Galaxy movie by me Debbie American Hooray!
OMG so we like went 2C tha new Marvel Comix cartune about tha talkering tree & tha talkering squirrel from space?
It was like in 3D so we almost didant find our seets yo OMG thay shuld tell u wen 2 put tha glasses on yo #CONFUZING.
The movie was OK but tha Talkering Tree is like SO SWEET yo awww!
OMG I wuld totelly D8 him if he axeded me AWWW!
The movie was OK but tha Talkering Tree is like SO SWEET yo awww!
OMG I wuld totelly D8 him if he axeded me AWWW!
On tha way out we sore that theirs guna B a new FENIMIST Ape movie yo!
This 1 is about a like GIRL monkee nameded DAWN yo #GIRLPOWAH #BADASS
& that is my revu of Guards of Galactica Hooray!
This 1 is about a like GIRL monkee nameded DAWN yo #GIRLPOWAH #BADASS
& that is my revu of Guards of Galactica Hooray!